Obesity is usually a
lifestyle disease but it may be a consequence of other diseases like diabetes
and thyroid gland diseases. It is not only common in the aged but youths and
even children are victims of this disease. Obesity is a cause of various heart
diseases and poses great danger to a person's psychological health.
It is the first and
most important step to fight against obesity. Exercise helps to burn calories
and extra fat. Exercise 3-4 days a week for about 30 mins but make morning walk
your routine. Swimming, cycling, dancing, playing tennis, brisk walking, jogging
help burn a lot of calories.
It's not just the
exercise that you need to do to control your weight. What you eat really
matters. Increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits in your diet.
Cucumber is really good as it contributes very little in terms of calories,
good for the digestive system and contains lots of water. Do not cut back on
meat completely instead eat fish and skinless chicken.
Eat In small portions
Eat 5 to 6 small
healthy meals instead of regular 3 meals a day. In this way your stomach will
not remain empty for longer periods of time and you will not feel starved.
Quit with the junk food
Tell yourself that you
are not a food junkie. Say no to those fries, cheese burgers, sugary soft
drinks. Reduce eat the fast food such as MC Donald, KFC and so on.